Polihale Park is the longest wild sand beach in all of the Hawaii, it measures about 11 miles long. Is not easy to get here. The majority of websites would suggest you only drive 4-wheel vehicle, but I made it here on Hyundai Accord, that's 2 wheel light-weight little car. I was a bit worried when I saw the sign in the beginning of the dirt road, but the weather was dry and I decided to take a try and go where only locals go. It was a beautiful day, fresh and happy, worry-free, I was the only car on the highway from Waimea, the last town on the western side of Kauai Island. There would be no signals of the local radio, and I couldn't be laughing more from local DJ's joking about their wifes... But here I was at the end of the road, as if my grandmother said " the end of the world". Literally. The road on Kauia isn't going around the island. The massive Napali Cliffs stopped the people from intervention and building an asphalt civilized road. But, there is a famous 11 mile hike through magnificent Napali Coast( it was closed when I was there).
The drawing here depicts the Napali Cliffs and the Pacific Ocean views in it's might size and breathtaking beauty.
10x15 inches, Japanese water Marker on Watercolor paper
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