Sunday, September 26, 2010

Buddha Head 4

I have this book of grand thoughts that come from Jesus and Buddha and you'd surprised how two religions are similar with each other. The teachings of Jesus are so close that I once thought that Jesus himself might have studied Buddhist's thoughts in India or in the East. It could be an interesting hypothesis, since Christ's life isn't much recoded when he was in his 20's, his preaching come into being when he is in his 30's.

It's always been interesting to see how world religions and their artists represent the highest good or it's "Master" concept. Most of the time it's the nations pride and idealization. I've been always captivated by the image of Meditating Buddha in clear thought, in the transcended state of mind, the idea of letting yourself go, and let your mind out of the material world.

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Buddha Head 3

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Buddha Head 2

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Buddha Head 1

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